
I tried to be a computer notetaker. It just doesn't work for me. I know it's convenient but it doesn't work for how I learn things. I also like to draw, so sue me. Until a tablet can really do it the way I want to, I'm on paper. Also, here are some recs for other paper-y items that might float your boat.



This is my current bullet journal. I like how sturdy it is as well as how well it holds up to travel. I'm not in love with the show through for pens, but I can get over it if only for the sturdiness alone. Remember, you'll probably have this book with you most days of your life.

Highly recommend the dotted pages for those of you all about that bujo life. There are other options available: lined, quadrille, blank. 

Kyokuto F.O.B. Coop

I picked this up at Japantown's Kinokinuya Stationery Store. Cheap and light, this book went with me for 11 months as my first bullet journal. It travelled with me to the Philippines and France and held up so very well. It  is larger than the Leuchtturm1917 and isn't that sexy but you don't want your wingman to outshine you!

Good with fountain pens and markers you will enjoy this well-priced notebook!

MUJI Notebook Dot Grid

This notebook is a simple and plain canvas ready for you to throw stickers on and customize. The perfect bullet journal, it takes pens/markers very well. There are other options for their notebooks (bound, stitched, etc), and there are other formats for the pages. Lots of options and plenty of pages. 

Midori MD Notebook Journal

This notebook is pretty simple and nicely lays flat. Keep in mind that one of the cool things about the Midori notebooks are the covers. I have a travel journal, and love it.

The Remarkable Tablet

I know I said that I am not a computer notetaker - but I am a Remarkable Tablet notetaker. I am a copious notetaker and wound up taking PAGES of notes when I didn’t have my notebook on a recent trip, so this helps me save trees! It backs up to the web, so I never have to worry about things getting lost. I love writing, so this helps me process information much better. Not into tech? All good. Check out my pen stash.